Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 3: Sensation 2014

Sarah Cranston, Will Walker and Me

WOW, Sensation was totally amazing!!!  People started arrving before noon at the Arena and the event didn't start until 2:00 PM.  We had two breaks during the program and it didn't end until well after 10:00 - what a jam packed day!  Here are some of the highlights!

India and Mexico opening in July, 2014

Asia market will be massive

Lyoness is launching it's own Browser fully integrated for our shopping network - will be amazing

Apple is now a Key Account (Gift Cards) to be launched soon

Lyoness Logowear and merchandise is here (I-pad covers, clothing, etc.)

For our SME's:  if you have 5,000 customers or more you are elible for fully branded Lyoness card

REPLICATED WEBSITES: Woohoo - log into your Lyoness account and under My Lyoness, you'll see My Lyconet.  Get your website now to get your choice of names:  Mine is

AND, SENSATION 2015 is in Vegas :)  So save the date for next March - we all need to be there.

I cannot begin to tell you what it felt like to be sitting among 11,000 international premium members for Sensation.  The feeling of pride as your country flag came in the Arena is one I will never forget.  We sat by country and we had bags with our country flags and headsets so we could tune in in English.  Hubert welcomed everyone country by country. Our amazing leaders Sarah Cranston and Will Walker were recognized for Career Levels 4 and 6 and came in with others from around the world by Country - again an overwhelming feeling. 

Lots more to come - We didn't get to bed until 6:00 AM - everyone was on a high from the event and conversation went late into the night.

We're off to a Leading Ladies Meet and Greet with Dr. Stephanie.  More to come....

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